It was a turning point in our relationship. Like all creatures on this planet, Maggie is unique. Why would I try to change her just to fit my needs and desires?
Day in and day out, this concept plagued, prodded, and cajoled me, demanding some action that I did not know how to take.
Like a river, it is a constant progression forward, changing directions, descending underground, plunging from cliffs, moving rapidly or lazily, dropping out of sight, and appearing suddenly. Connection with this current offers a fullness to life that expands the heart, inviting trust, peace, confidence, and contentment.
Feeling the bike's vibration and wind against my body, the road was lost to me as my mind emptied, and only the here and now existed. The air was filled with the intoxicating clean fragrance of the warm soil, hay, and fall.
I would add one more item to that list: remember that the media provides a very narrow view of the world. It is up to the rest of us to expand that view and see the good.